Home Vinyl FlooringBuying Can I install COREtec Flooring on Stairs?

Can I install COREtec Flooring on Stairs?

by Bob and Betsy
Published: Updated: 10 comments 1 minutes read

Dear Bob and Betsy,

I am installing COREtec Plus in my home and it comes with attached cork underlayment. I know with other laminate floors, you need to remove this padding before installing on stairs. Can I install COREtec flooring on stairs? Do I need to remove the cork underlayment on COREtec Plus floors before installing my floor on stairs?
– Jess L.

Dear Jess,

That is a really excellent question! As covered in a previous blog post, “Installing Underlayment With Laminate Flooring on Stairs,” you know that underlayment is a crucial part of laminate flooring installations, but when it comes to your staircase, you can leave your underlayment behind. We have compiled more information for you to help to decide what’s best for you. Cheers! Bob & Betsy

However, COREtec brand vinyl flooring that comes with attached cork underlayment, the installation is a little different.

You Do Not Need To Remove Cork Underlayment!

Luckily, you can use cork adhesive to glue COREtec flooring on stairs. Be sure to follow the directions on the adhesive’s instructions and double check your flooring manufacturer’s warranty to make sure that your warranty will not be voided for using this method of installation.

We have heard great things about Roberts 7250 Cork Underlayment Adhesive! You can find a local distributor for this adhesive on Roberts website: www.robertsconsolidated.com.

Learn more about COREtec flooring here:

Contact a flooring expert for additional information on COREtec! Call 800-520-0961 or email: [email protected].

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woodrow mabe April 29, 2020 - 11:40 am

is it best to put laminate with backing on it or put the backing down first

Alana Kane April 29, 2020 - 1:16 pm

Hi Woodrow, this is totally up to you! Buying laminate with attached underlayment saves you the steps involved in installing the underlayment. Generally, attached underlayment will be very basic, so if you want special features like additional cushion or sound dampening, you should probably install separately. You may also need a vapor barrier, so if you’re installing over concrete, be sure to either install a film under attached underlayment or buy vapor barrier underlayment. Hope this helps!

Theresa Navarra January 22, 2020 - 2:34 pm

I had cortex flooring in my whole house. What should be used to Clean it.?

Alana Kane January 22, 2020 - 6:12 pm

Hi Theresa, check out this maintenance guide for COREtec: https://www.bestlaminate.com/info/COREtec_Residential_Maintenance.pdf

ampelio banuelos December 7, 2017 - 12:47 pm

I want to install coretec plus 5 in my kitchen. I now have a ceramic tile floor with grout lines, that make it uneven. I have been told that i do not need to remove the tile floor. What is the best way to make it even: Is self leveling material or a underlay the best way to go. Is there a better way. Is a underlay good to even the floor, if so what underlay is the best.

Alana Kane December 7, 2017 - 2:29 pm

Hi Ampelio! Great question, and great floor choice. The best way would be to self-level the grout lines using a concrete mix from your local big box store. They should be able to direct you to the best one! Here’s some more information about preparing a subfloor:https://www.bestlaminate.com/help/subfloor-requirements-vinyl-flooring-installation/. CoretTec Plus 5″ also has an attached cork padding, so you do not need to worry about any additional underlayment here. Hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions.

Tedd Ashman April 25, 2019 - 4:53 pm

A concrete mix ? You should have directed them to the flooring dept to get a portland based leveling compound like malai planti patch ,and get the planti patch plus additive to mix with instead of water. I use this product to emboss ceramc,, vinyl sheet flooring, and for leveling concrete daily. Its best when mixed to a mayonnaise consistency.

Alana Kane April 26, 2019 - 10:58 am

Hi Tedd, thanks for the tips on the best leveling compound!

Natalie June 4, 2019 - 10:48 am

And why are you recommending to go to a box store? Why not their local expert flooring store? Box store do not have experts. People who own/work at local businesses will be better at directing and helping you.

Alana Kane June 4, 2019 - 2:19 pm

Hi Natalie, thanks for the feedback. The main reason I was directing them there for a leveling compound is because not every local flooring store will carry those types of products. For example, our store only sells flooring and underlayment. We do not have any products for a subfloor construction. They could most certainly ask their local flooring store for the type and purchase it at the big box store.

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