Dear Bob and Betsy,
I live in Florida and I want to install hardwood floors. Do you have any recommendations as to which flooring I should choose?Thanks!
-James A.
Dear James,
We’re really glad you came to us with this question! Since you live in Florida, you know the climate and the humidity can fluctuate drastically. Choosing the correct hardwood flooring type is essential to having a beautiful flooring that will last!. We have compiled more information for you to help to decide what’s best for you. Cheers! Bob & Betsy
Choose Engineered Hardwood
Due to temperature fluctuations, we would recommend an engineered hardwood due to the stability and less movement it provides. Engineered hardwood is constructed differently than solid hardwood. Engineered hardwood flooring is made with a thin veneer of hardwood on the top, with cross sectioned plywood on the bottom. The creates a more stable flooring that won’t expand and contract as drastically as solid hardwood would. Also, if your home is on a concrete slab, you will have to go with an engineered hardwood.
But If You Want Solid Hardwood
If you’re set on solid hardwoods, do not go with a wide plank. Wider planks shrink more when the temperature and humidity changes. Go with strips of about 2 ¼ wide. Any larger and you run the chance of seeing larger gaps in the flooring when the boards shrink. You can chance going with a wider, more contemporary board as long as you have controlled heating and cooling temperature controlled in your home at all times. Just remember, you must be installing a solid hardwood on or above grade with a wood subfloor!
If you’re in doubt or have any questions, always refer to your manufacturer’s installation and maintenance manual. You can also call us at 1-800-520-0961 or leave a comment below and we will be happy to help you!
More Hardwood Tips:
- Do Hardwood Floors Need Moisture Barrier?
- Can I Store Hardwood Flooring in a Garage?
- Are Hardwood Floors Slippery?
3/4 moiding to match kronoswiss noblesselight oak do you carry foam and wood
Hi Phillip, The moldings that we order for our floors are wood based. We do not offer foam moldings. Please give us a call if you would like to order or have more questions! 1-800-520-0961!