Home Laminate Flooring Can I Install Laminate Flooring Over Carpet?

Can I Install Laminate Flooring Over Carpet?

by Bestlaminate
Published: Updated: 37 comments 3 minutes read

Installing laminate flooring over carpet is not recommended in most installation situations. Since carpet is usually plush and soft, your laminate flooring would not have the support it needs to keep the locking system sturdy. If there is too much give to the floor underneath, the locking system would be strained, causing the floor to buckle and possibly damaging the floor.

Unfortunately, there can be a high cost in removing carpet, so some homeowners prefer to install over their existing floor. Here’s the one exception to the rule.

What about short or low pile carpet?

If you are working with sturdy low pile carpeting, you can install laminate on top of it. Short or low pile carpet is what you would see in most hotel rooms, bus and airplane aisle ways, and other commercial spaces. As long as it is flat and in good condition, your laminate will install well on top. No underlayment is needed in this type of installation.

How to decide if you have the right carpet for laminate installation?

Be sure that the carpeting is less than ¼ inch high. If a carpet pile is too high, there may not be enough stability to float your floors. Think of the plush carpet found in most residential homes in bedrooms and living rooms. These carpets should never have laminate flooring installed on top of them.

Problems with Laminate Flooring over Carpet

There are a few concerns we need to address before you go ahead and install over carpeting. The first concern is the possibility for trapping allergens, as dust and mites live in carpeting. Next, your carpet may be uneven where there was high traffic, causing the subfloor to have low spots. This can cause the laminate to float improperly, leaving areas that flex. Lastly, there is a possibility that the flooring can harbor mold and mildew beneath the carpet.

Removing Carpet for Laminate Flooring Installation

If you decide to remove your carpeting prior to installation, as it is recommended in most cases, be sure to also remove the carpet underlayment as well. You cannot install laminate flooring on top of this type of underlayment, as it’s too soft.

Remember that the subfloor underneath the carpet and carpet underlayment should be smooth and free of debris. Remove any potential obstacles, so your laminate flooring will have a seamless surface. You will need laminate flooring underlayment for your project – here is a guide to select the right underlayment.

How to choose underlayment for laminate flooring chart Bestlaminate

If you are looking for something different from what is mentioned above, you can visit our underlayment section on Bestlaminate. We have a wide selection of underlayment to fit your needs!

If you are unsure about what underlayment is best for your project or have unique circumstances, do not hesitate to contact a Bestlaminate flooring specialist at 1-800-520-0961.

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Beth April 24, 2021 - 12:54 pm

Hi we have a house that has hard wood floors, carpet, and tiles all running together. Is there a way to even everything up so we don’t have to have a bunch of transitions. We would remove the carpet. We are planning to lay vinyl laminate flooring throughout.
Thank you !!

Vanessa June 25, 2021 - 2:30 pm

Hi Beth, In most cases if your subfloor is uneven from room to room, you would have to either use a self leveling agent or install a new subfloor entirely. Also if you do not want transitions, make sure you choose a vinyl floor that does not require transition pieces. There are many that require transitions to keep your warranty valid.

Can Laminate Flooring Be Installed Over Carpet? | All Things Floor November 15, 2020 - 12:54 pm

[…] a laminate floor installed on top of it. According to the experts at Best Laminate, carpet thinner than ¼” (6.35mm) thick with no padding or underlayment is a good candidate for adding laminate floors over […]

How to Lay Laminate Flooring - Dave's DIY Tips November 12, 2020 - 10:04 am

[…] While it is possible to lay laminate flooring on top of carpet, it’s not recommended in most situations. The main reason for this is because the pile of your typical home carpet is too soft for the laminate flooring’s locking system to work effectively. Over time, without the support it needs, the laminate flooring could buckle and damage the floor.With that said, if the carpet is sturdy and low pile, like the carpet you see in commercial premises such as a hotel lobby, cinema or restaurant, then it is possible to lay laminate flooring on top. The maximum thickness of the carpet should be around ¼ inch. Anything thicker is unsuitable for laminate flooring. (source) […]

Christian November 6, 2020 - 7:11 am

thanks for your tips. We plan to lay laminate over a very fluffy carpet. We were told that we had to put OSB sheets underneath first. Do you think that is also possible? Do we then still need a base between the OSB and the laminate? The rental apartment is on the 1st floor. Many thanks in advance.

Vanessa November 6, 2020 - 2:41 pm

Hi Christian! We do not recommend installing laminate over carpet unless it is commercial carpet with a low pile (fluff). We would recommend just pulling the carpet up, making sure that the subfloor is free of imperfections and installing underlayment and laminate on top of that.

S.Wakata April 24, 2020 - 7:14 am

Hello I have carpet that is exactly 1/4in thick. I want to put laminate right over as you had stated this size or less is fine . I would like to know is there a minimum thickness that the laminate should be? I have seen anywhere from 3mm to 12mm thickness. I am assuming the thicker the laminate the better. Is that the case? Thank you!

Alana Kane April 27, 2020 - 2:30 am

Hello, thanks for the question. For a laminate, anything over 8mm will work well here.

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