Laminate flooring installation is a great project for DIY homeowners! But don’t fret if you find yourself having questions, it’s only natural! Here’s a list of 10 frequently asked questions right from our customers.
1. Can laminate flooring be installed on steps?
Yes, laminate floor can be installed on steps. The planks should be glued with regular wood glue with no underlayment. The moldings and transitions need to be nailed down. Here’s more information about installing on steps.
2. Can I glue laminate flooring?
It is possible to glue the planks together. In some cases, this is actually recommended by the manufacturer to seal the joints in water-prone areas. For example, in some cases it is suggested to seal the joints in the bathroom and certain areas of the kitchen. Check with the specific floor first and evaluate your project before determining if this is a necessary procedure for your floor.
Keep in mind that these floors should not be glued to the subfloor, and only within the tongue and groove.
3. Can laminate flooring be installed in basements?
Yes, laminate flooring can be installed in basements. Make sure your underlayment has a vapor barrier to keep moisture from coming up through the cement subfloor. This excess moisture can ruin your lamiante flooring. A good underlayment for this type of installation is Visqueen Vapor Barrier. Do not install on any floor with a drain and make sure you subfloor is level.
4. Can laminate flooring be installed over carpet?
5. How much space should be left for expansion?
6. Can laminate flooring be installed over heated floors?
7. Can laminate flooring be installed over carpet underlayment?
8. What’s the best tool to use to cut laminate flooring?
9. What is underlayment and is it necessary?
The foam underlayment is essential to the bow and flex of the laminate. Being a wood product, it will expand and contract with the climate of the room- and the foam allows it to do this without any friction between the laminate and the floor underneath it. For installation over concrete, you must first put down a plastic vapor barrier before laying the foam.
10. How long should the floor acclimate prior to installation?
Do you have additional questions we can answer? Head over to our Bob & Betsy series to find more frequently asked questions or you can post them below this article and we will be happy to help you!
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*This post was updated from 2010 to give you a better reading experience!
I have carpet over concrete in my basement. The carpet is damaged in one area and we would like to lay laminate in that square area up to a section where we want to keep as carpet. (So not a traditional transition like a doorway but a line in the middle of a room) how can I transition from laminate to carpet to ensure my laminate does not move. Do I glue a transition piece to the floor between the carpet and laminate.
Thanks for your question, Bev! We would recommend using a reducer molding or a t-molding depending on the height different between the carpet and the laminate. You can certainly add this piece in the middle of the room and still have a smooth and nice looking transition!