Dear Bob and Betsy,
I’m so excited! I’ve decided to replace my old, drab flooring for the New Year. I found the perfect new flooring and I’m getting ready to make my purchase, but I need to know how much laminate flooring I should buy. Should I only get enough for my project, or should I get a little bit extra?
– Deanne H.
Dear Deanne,
Congratulations on your new flooring project! Getting new floors in your home is an exciting improvement. We can’t wait to hear how it goes. But first, when you’re buying your floors, you’ll need to know the exact square footage you’ll need. To calculate this, measure the length and width of your walls. Then, multiply this together to calculate your square footage. We have compiled more information for you to help to decide what’s best for you. Cheers! Bob & Betsy
You can also use a calculator for this. Check out our Bestlaminate Area Calculator Tool.
Once you have your square footage, you’re not quite ready to hit buy. You’ll want a little bit of extra laminate for your project. This comes in handy if a plank gets damaged before, during, or after installation. We suggest purchasing 10% more laminate flooring than you need for your project.
Did you know that replacing your laminate flooring is easy?
The reason why we suggest buying extra laminate is because of how easy it is to replace a plank if it gets damaged. This will save you quite a bit of time, money, and hassle down the road.
Here’s how easy it is to replace your flooring:
- Pull up the floorboards
- Pull out the flooring until you reach the damaged plank
- Replace the damaged plank
- Replace the flooring
- Replace the floorboards
With extra laminate on hand, you can get the perfect match and repair any damaged floors with ease.
Congratulations again on your new floors. We can’t wait to see what they look like in your home!
Size of floor 12 by 10
Hi Cheryl! If you floor is 12ft by 10ft you will need 120 sq ft plus a small waste factor. You can calculate your square footage using this tool! Room Calculator
12 by 10 is my measurement. How many boxes do I need. Waterproof and pet proof
Hi Cheryl. You will need 120 square foot of flooring. The amount of boxes depends on the product that you are interested, as square footage per box varies. If you are interested in waterproof and pet proof, we recommend vinyl. Browse Vinyl Here