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What Are the Advantages of Laminate Flooring?

by Bob and Betsy
Published: Updated: 2 comments 2 minutes read

Dear Bob and Betsy,

I’ve been debating between ceramic tile, laminate, and hardwood flooring. My friend said that laminate wins hands down. Can you tell me, what are the advantages of laminate flooring?
– Tracy S.

Dear Tracy,

Great question! Each floor certainly has its unique attributes, but one type of flooring (laminate) stands out over the others. We have compiled more information for you to help to decide what’s best for you. Cheers! Bob & Betsy

Ceramic tile is easy to clean but it’s hard and not easy to install. If it gets damaged, you’re left to restain, resurface, or repair the hurt area. That’s not only costly but it can also destroy the appearance of the flooring.

Hardwood flooring is beautiful and many homeowners love the way it looks. What they don’t love is how hard it is to care for. From resealing the floors to repairing scratches and dents that happen so easily, your flooring becomes more of a chore than a delight to live with.

Laminate flooring surpasses these other types of flooring in terms of its regular maintenance and lifelong appeal. Here’s how:

It’s easy to install.

Laminate is one of the easiest type of flooring to install. It’s so easy in fact, that you can do it yourself saving you hundreds of dollars on labor costs. Installation requires that you can click and lock planks into place. It’s as simple as putting together a basic puzzle – plus you get to use some power tools in the process.

It’s durable.

Laminate has the same look and feel as wood flooring, but it’s more durable. This various layers that make up each laminate plank keep the flooring strong and sturdy against dents, dings, scratches, and scrapes.

It’s beautiful.

Laminate flooring has progressed significantly over the years. Today, most laminate flooring looks like authentic hardwood. You get the benefits of good looks without the cost of maintenance and repairs. It’s a win-win.

It’s softer.

Do you have children? Do your kids run and play – and sometimes fall? If so, you want to make the surface a little bit softer to land on when they do. Laminate is installed atop underlayment, which adds a layer of cushion between your hard subfloor. That makes it a little more comfortable for those who walk, run or play on your flooring.

Laminate has the clear advantage over wood or tile because of its beauty, comfort, and durability. To see these benefits for yourself, request your free sample today!

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Annika Larson August 8, 2017 - 10:41 pm

My husband and I are looking to remodel our kitchen this fall. We also want to replace the floors and are trying to decide if laminate flooring is the best option. Like you said, one huge benefits of laminate flooring is that is looks and feels like wood flooring, but it is more durable. Thanks for sharing!

Ashley Tolfo August 9, 2017 - 9:59 am

Hi Annika! Laminate flooring can be used in a kitchen installation, but there are some special recommendations to consider since laminate flooring is not waterproof. Please see our blog post on installing laminate flooring in kitchens for more details!

If in doubt, you can also consider vinyl flooring or Vinyl + WPC, like COREtec, which are waterproof and also have the look of wood flooring!


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