Home Laminate FlooringLaminate Flooring BuyingChoosing 8mm Laminate Flooring – Difference Between Thickness

8mm Laminate Flooring – Difference Between Thickness

by Bestlaminate
Published: Updated: 13 comments 3 minutes read

What is the difference between 6mm, 7mm, 8mm and 12mm laminate flooring? Laminate flooring is available in a number of thicknesses. Measured in millimeters, laminate flooring can range from 6mm to 12mm thick. The difference between 6mm, 7mm, 8mm and 12mm laminate flooring is simply the thickness. When deciding what laminate is right for you, remember that thickness does not determine durability. Durability of a laminate floor is measured by the AC rating, which rated the wear layer. The higher an AC rating is, the more durable the floor will be.

The Differences Between Thicknesses

6mm laminate flooring is the thinnest option. It is easy to assume that since the laminate is thin, it is not as durable. This assumption is not true, as thin laminate can have outstanding performance. When installed over a sturdy subfloor such as cement, thin laminate becomes very strong and durable. Be sure to check that the AC Rating will stand up to what you need.

7mm laminate flooring is ever slightly thicker than 6mm laminate flooring and is ideal for normal home installations. When installed over a quality subfloor with the right type of underlayment, 7mm laminate flooring has outstanding performance. Along with the 6mm, these will generally be more budget friendly.

8mm laminate flooring is one of the most popular and common thicknesses of laminate flooring options. It seems to be the happy medium between thick and thin laminate flooring options and provides ideal stability and easy installation. The 8mm thickness is enough to overcome any subfloor imperfections and create a sleek flooring solution. This is a great option for homes, rental properties and light commercial applications if it has an AC4 rating or higher.

12mm laminate flooring is the thickest plank option on the market. The 12mm laminate flooring planks are going to give you the closest look and feel to a hardwood. These floors generally cost more, but they reduce noise, usually have more texturing, and have more stability for subfloor imperfections. If you’re looking for a higher end product, a 12mm is a great option.

laminate flooring thickness chart

How to Choose a Plank Thickness

Choosing a plank thickness is only one small part of selecting the perfect laminate floor for your project. Here are other factors to consider alongside the thickness.

AC Rating – This is the most important factor when it comes to durability. Residential applications are great with an AC3 or AC4 rating. Commercial applications should look at AC4 and AC5 ratings. The AC rating mixed with thickness can determine which plank will be best for your application.

Flooring Height – It is also important to consider your current space. How large will a transition be from one room to another? Is there cabinetry or doors that should be considered with the thickness? Are you installing over an existing floor that will add more height? This can be a deciding factor in your flooring search.

Budget – Your budget may help you determine what thickness of flooring you will purchase. As a rule of thumb, the thicker and higher AC rating, the more expensive. You will need to consider your space and needs to determine the proper combination of AC rating and thickness.

Look and Style – As mentioned above, the thicker planks generally have a more high-end look and feel with textures and patterns. The style you’re looking for may be one of the most important factors in selecting a floor.

We hope this article can help you navigate the myriad of laminate thicknesses! Do you have additional questions we can answer? We will be happy to help. Post your question below this article. It’s easy to find your perfect flooring by searching our wide selection of laminate flooring by the thickness. Don’t forget to order your free sample online.

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Emily Parker March 6, 2024 - 11:49 pm

I have had 6mm laminate flooring in my home for years, and while it’s held up decently, I can definitely see the appeal of upgrading to 8mm after reading this. The added thickness seems like it would provide more stability and longevity, especially in high-traffic areas. Great information.

Barbara Holt November 22, 2023 - 1:06 pm

I am looking to get thin, durable flooring (floating) that will be used in Roadshows to showcase Massage Chairs. It needs to be able to support the weight and also be easily assembled/disassembled as the roadshow moves from city to city so the “booth”, including the flooring goes with it. Any suggestions?


Rachel Vahcic December 1, 2023 - 1:34 pm

Thank you for your question, Barbara! We would suggest trying vinyl sheet flooring for this purpose. Vinyl sheet flooring will be the easiest to assemble/disassemble by just rolling up and unrolling when in use. It can also support the weight of the massage chair no problem. We would not recommend using a floating flooring that must have engaged locking systems. In this case, the locking mechanisms can start to break the more they are installed and taken apart. If you have any other questions, please reach out to our customer service team!

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