Take a look at this contemporary bedroom featuring a gorgeous white shiplap backsplash! Featuring brown vinyl plank flooring, this bedroom is designed to stand out. Vinyl plank flooring is a perfect choice for any room in your home because it is 100% waterproof! We love what our customer, Derek did with this bedroom! The white shiplap creates a stunning accent wall. The neutral details complement the minimalist style beautifully.
This 5mm vinyl plank flooring is perfect for a residential or commercial space; it is 100% waterproof and will give your home a modern and elegant look! Backed with a limited lifetime residential and 6-year commercial warranty, the DIY enthusiast will appreciate easy installation. Order your free sample at Bestlaminate.com
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This 5mm vinyl plank flooring is perfect for a residential or commercial space; it is 100% waterproof and will give your home a modern and elegant look! Backed with a limited lifetime residential and 6-year commercial warranty, the DIY enthusiast will appreciate easy installation. Order your free sample at Bestlaminate.com SHOP BROWN FLOORS SHOP THIS FLOOR
Free visualizer tool that lets you see what our flooring will look like in your room. Take a photo of your room, and select the floor to see how it looks in your home. TRY IT NOW
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