Modern Photo Studio with a Bright and Welcoming Feel

modern photo studio
This modern photo studio is every photographer’s dream! This open and bright space creates an inviting feel. It’s the perfect spot to invite your clients for a cup of coffee while they are waiting for their meeting. This room can also be styled for different photoshoots! Stylish furniture pairs perfectly with the cool-toned Kronoswiss Interlaken Oak Laminate Flooring. Kronoswiss is made in Switzerland with outstanding Swiss design. These planks have a unique shimmer in the grain that makes the synchronized texture of the natural wood grain stand out. This modern light grey color will look spectacular in any home or office needing a new lease on its flooring!
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Bestlaminate Vinduri Vintage Oak White

This 4.5mm vinyl flooring is perfect for a residential or commercial space; it is 100% waterproof and will give your home a modern and elegant look! Backed with a 25-year residential and 5-year commercial warranty, the DIY enthusiast will appreciate easy installation. Order your free sample at

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Bestlaminate Room Viewer

Bestlaminate Room Viewer    Free visualizer tool that lets you see what our flooring will look like in your room. Take a photo of your room, and select the floor to see how it looks in your home. TRY IT NOW

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