Rustic Brown Living Room Flooring with a Modern Design

rustic brown living room flooring

Check out this rustic brown living room flooring that our customer used in her home! This modern design features beautiful laminate flooring that creates a neutral aesthetic. Our customer, Alyssa, previously had carpet throughout her home. She knew she wanted to upgrade her flooring to something more durable! She decided on a rustic brown design because of how realistic it looks. We love how this living room turned out!

Featured Rustic Brown Living Room Flooring

Quick-Step NatureTEK Select Reclaime Old Town Oak UF1935W Laminate Flooring

Quick-Step NatureTEK Select Reclaime Old Town Oak

This 12mm laminate floor is perfect for a residential or commercial space; it features an AC4 commercial durability rating and will give your home a modern and elegant look! Backed with a limited lifetime residential and 5-year commercial warranty, the DIY enthusiast will appreciate easy installation. Order your free sample at SHOP QUICK-STEP FLOORS         SHOP THIS FLOOR

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Bestlaminate Room Viewer

Bestlaminate Room Viewer    Free visualizer tool that lets you see what our flooring will look like in your room. Take a photo of your room, and select the floor to see how it looks in your home. TRY IT NOW

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